Photos by Kari Thompson
Last Friday night’s art party showcased the talent of a veritable smorgasbord of community artisans. Works ranged from photos, to paintings, to advantageous performance pieces, as Antiochians dropped their pitchforks and Molotov cocktails in favor of wine glasses, and tasty hors devourers. Pennel house was transformed into an art gallery for the evening, and rag tag Antioch students were transformed into hoity toity (fancy pantsy) art critics, and connoisseurs. Some noteworthy pieces included some beautifully restored photographs by Ms. Lauren Hind, Hope Swigart’s jarring and captivating senior project, and some real pretty collective work from the AEG. Props to Erin Winter for her hard work in rounding up and creating a venue for the expression of some really great talent.

Pennel house literally buzzed with hushed chatter, and subtle flirtations. From the porch, where chilly smokers congregated to discuss art, and semantics (is Frumpy really a word?) to the first floor and its effective use of balloon technology- Pennel house provided a more intimate, and sophisticated atmosphere then the more raunchy seedy back alley grinding factory that is the Antioch dance space. Maybe it was this elevated level of mature socialization that enabled Emma Emmerich to keep her ass off me for five minutes. Mahina Embers who was responsible for a sweet series of polaroids was also responsible for a sweet series of broken hearts, leaving us all pondering- where’d you learn to walk in those heels? I also can’t help but wonder Sarah Buckingham, did you get the guy… you know the guy who ran off with your sleeves? Mariel Traiman said of the evening “It was fun, but then I left… to make out.? Chris McKinless’ nipples were back in action, as he stunned crowds with his JC Penny apparel 3 buttons undone, check my locket flare. Brokeback Perry’s cowboy hat rivaled the artwork for most compliments received throughout the course of the evening, and not to be forgotten was Marissa Fisher resplendent in a lovely green frock, as she performed an avant garde piece in which she provided useful service which ranged from dream interpretation, to nick name christening. Marissa, we wish to thank you for your creativity, and continued spirit- we hope Antioch always has a space available for your shenanigans.
Contributing artist Jeremie Jordan has spent years looking for credit in the straight world, and his travels have landed him here. I was fortunate enough to be able to sit down with this up and coming super star to talk “art?.
CCNWS: Jeremie, what is art?
JJ: In my personal opinion, the dominant academic view of art is that it is a form of communication. Though sometimes there might be a message in painting, etc. In my opinion, and for me, it’s more about the process than the result. If people like it, they like it, but that’s not why people should make art.
CCNWS: Tell us about your piece
JJ: It’s a glock 45… is that a real gun? But seriously, I did an oil painting of Emma Goldman at 17, because she’s one of my heroes. And I did a painting on a piece of a desk which belonged to my sister, and framed it in an antique cigarette dispenser.
CCNWS: As a real world artist, what do you think of the Antioch art scene?
JJ: It is my experience that there have been two distinct art worlds, the introverted student art scenes where galleries will only host works from local college students, and the art scene of the DIY punk rock variety where people throw shows for each other, and hope to gain attention elsewhere.
CCNWS: Do you feel like being a college student will add to or detract from your art?
JJ: I would say that there are more distractions in school, where before I had all the time I needed to devote to anything I wanted to accomplish. But either way my art is typically inspired by my environment, and the events in my life, so I imagine that they can mutually inspire each other.
CCNWS: In closing, who would you say is the best dressed Antiochian.
JJ: Erin Cisewski, and Alice Philbrick. Emma Woodruff wowed audiences with her vocal range, and guitar strummings. The band Drive By Schiavo wrecked the house with their rip roaring good time rock and roll rhythmic romps. People were seen crowding into the doorways, elated at the prospect of being within spitting distance of these hot on the scene pseudo rock stars, who added to their elusive allure by playing in the near pitch black darkness. Transfer student Erin Cisewski remarked “I’m so bored I could die? Moments before plummeting out the window as she leaned into the night to light a clove cigarette.
In summation, it’s sometimes nice to give your hips and ear drums a rest from the bumping bass lines, and booty-rap lyricism of yester year to settle down with some nice noise rock, wine, cheese, and good art. Sleep with the angels dear community, this is the Co-operative council for a non-wack social scene.