Nonstop Planning for June Alumni Festival

By Eva Erickson and Carole Braun

Ever since the Alumni Board’s official decision to move Alumni Reunion to October 2-4, from its usual time in June, Nonstop has been planning the Summer Alumni Festival, whose purpose is to both celebrate Nonstop’s accomplishments and to connect or reconnect Alumni with Nonstop. Much of the specifics of the Festival are yet to be determined, but the plan is to have work projects – such as painting a mural on the back wall of Millworks that parallels the bike path – dinners, and social events. The Festival is scheduled for the 18th through the 20th of June with hopes that the Alumni Board (AB) members will attend some of the events, since they will be in town for their summer meeting. The Alumni Festival could potentially sync well with the AB meeting, because it may have less time to spare in hosting visiting alumni. “The Alumni Board has already discussed having a very business-oriented meeting in June,” said Aimee Maruyama (’96), Director of Alumni Relations and Development. AB member Christian Feuerstein ’94 writes, “I would imagine that parts of our annual meeting are going to be Nonstop events, much as we did with our last AB meeting.”

Nancy Crow ’70, AB President, though hopeful that the Alumni Festival may bring more alumni to attend open meetings, is concerned that it may draw potential donors’ attention from the effort to get Antioch College back. “Calling the June event an alumni festival makes it appear as an alternative to the Reunion in October,” said President Crow in a subsequent telephone interview. It’s going to cause a tremendous amount of confusion,” she said. “We all share the same goal–to revive Antioch College–and we need to be strategic in our fund raising.”Crow would prefer to see the June event be framed as a celebration of what Nonstop has accomplished. Nonstop “carried forward the cause of progressive education,” she said.

Antioch College Board Pro Tempore Meet in Yellow Springs

By Eva Erickson and Vanessa Query

From the 20th to the 22nd of February, the Antioch College Board Pro Tempore came together for the first time in Yellow Springs to create goals and plans for the revival of their alma mater. The four main agenda topics of the meetings were finances and fundraising efforts, evaluating the flood damage of the buildings as well as theirneed for remodeling, the Definitive Agreements for the College’s independence from Antioch University, and Nonstop’s integration into the new Antioch.

Due to the sensitive nature of the current state of negotiations with Antioch University, most of the sessions were closed to the public. In fact, only two events were open: a bird-watching hike in the GlenHelen Nature Preserve and a presentation on Nonstop’s creation, successes, and what it could offer to a new vision for Antioch College.

The bird-watching was a success, if you count seven Nonstop students waking up at 6:30 on a brisk Saturday morning in February a success. Sadly, most of the board did not share the students’ enthusiasm for bird-watching, as only one ProTem member – Nancy Crow, who is also president of the Alumni Board –arrived. Along with board consultant Matthew Derr, they all had a lovely hike in the Glen under the tutelage of bird expert Nick Boutis, Director of the Glen. We were all pleasantly surprised to find out that Derr and Crow really know and love their birds. In fact, Derr got very excited when he spotted, for the first time in his bird-watching life, a Carolina Chickadee. He remarked that he hadn’t realized there was anything other than just a regular old chickadee. Boutis replied that you could tell it was a Carolina Chickadee by its southern drawl.



“It was really nice to be able to interact with Matt and Nancy in such an interesting, informal setting,” said third-year student Jeanne Kay. “I look forward to more opportunities to develop student relationships with trustees.”

Students and the rest of the community are not the only people wishing to become more familiar with the ProTem. In fact, that weekend was the first time the Board members themselves have met face-to-face. Prior to their visit to Nonstop, they have been having teleconference meetings every Sunday and keeping in touch with each other via phone and email. “Except Lee and Matthew, I haven’t met any of the Board members before we had teleconferences, and so for me this was really a great opportunity to actually put faces with people’s voices,” says Board member Allyn Feinberg.

The Glen Helen Building Conference Room was comfortably filled during Nonstop’s presentation to the board.  Eight of the twelve ProTem Board members attended the presentation:  Lee Morgan ‘66, Pavel Curtis ‘81, Terry Herndon ‘57, Frances Horowitz ‘54, Barbara Winslow ‘68, Joyce Idema ‘57, Allyn Feinberg ‘70, and Nancy Crow ’70. Prexy Nesbitt ’67, had left after the closed report from the visiting team about Nonstop’s curriculum. Board members Edward Richard ’59, Jay Lorsch ’55, Atis Folkmanis ’62,  honorary members Kay Drey ’39, Leo Drey ’39 and The Honorable Eleanor Holmes Norton ’60 did not make it to the meeting.

For a little more than an hour, community members argued the case for Nonstop to be included in the planning and implementation for a continuing Antioch. The presenters, Acting President of the College Revival Fund Ellen Borgersen, Executive Collective (ExColl) members Chris Hill, Susan Eklund-Leen, and Hassan Rahmanian, Co-Community Manager Chelsea Martens, and third-year student Shea Witzberger gave their testimonials about various aspects of Nonstop, its origins and goals, its successes in its space, the innovative use of IT within a budget, the development of COPAS, the open curriculum, and how above all, Nonstop will make a case for an invaluable resource to the rebuilding of the new Antioch College.


The session ended with Lee Morgan thanking everyone for their efforts, but explaining that at this point in the process, it is too early to speculate about the future of a potential Antioch/Nonstop synergy. He reiterated the four points that originally brought the board to Yellow Springs. He expressed gratitude, admiration, and awe for all that Nonstop has done and is trying to accomplish and assured the community of the Board’s devotion to the college. Matt Derr emphasized that there is “no ambiguity for collective passion about the college.”

Photo Dennie Eagleson

After the meeting with Nonstop ended, several community members were treated to dinner at The Winds. Besides eating delectable food, the dinner gave the ProTem Board another chance to have a more personal interaction with the Nonstop community representatives. Jeanne Kay, the only student at the dinner, says “I had a great time talking to ProTem members at my table: Joyce Idema, Allyn Feinberg, and Terry Herndon. I enjoyed listening to anecdotes about their time at Antioch and sharing my experience as a student; it’s amazing how across generations there is an indomitable core of Antiochianness, it is clear to me that we share the same values and commitment to rebuilding a revived Antioch College.”

Fashion Column: Undead Prom


Fashion Dance

On a cold February night, creepy undead Nonsters and high-schoolers rose from their piles of homework and took over Michael Casselli’s studio to celebrate none other than: Undead Prom! The space was transformed into a cemetery complete with fog machines, tombstones, cobwebs, an open-coffin snack and beverage bar and an eerie hologram of demented men’s faces with mouths for eyes, singing along to the music. Clad in DIY costumes, fake blood, and hallowed eyes and cheeks, the undead creatures danced to MJ’s “Thriller” and the “Monster Mash” and, of course Madonna’s “Like a Prayer.” They posed and flaunted their stuff in a high-fashion photo shoot taken by Jonny No and Rose Pelzl. And what’s a prom without prom royalty? Jeanne Kay, Jonny No and Nic Viox were voted Prom Queen, King, and Gender-Queer Hierarchical Power Reference, respectively.
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Introducing: Spring 2009 IGs and Community Centers

Queer Center


Coordinator: Nic Viox
The queer center is a group is open to anyone who self-identifies as a queer. I hope to have a few events this term, including [but not limited to]: movie screenings, a musical guest, and Genderfuck! More information will be forthcoming as events begin to take shape.

SANE (Students for Alternatives to Neoliberal Economics)


Coordinator: Jeanne Kay
What is neoliberalism? How does it operate on local, national, international levels? After the financial crisis, what can we do to help build a post neoliberal world? How does Nonstop fit into a larger struggle as a bastion against the corporatization of Higher Ed? Are Obama’s policies challenging or maintaining the neoliberal economic order? What should be the role of the international financial institutions post-Washington Consensus?
These are the questions that SANE will attempt to tackle this term, through discussion groups, fieldtrips, movie events, speakers, and hopefully, an AntiWatt radio show!

The Alternative Library

Jonny No katie-1 Rose Pelzl

Coordinators: Katie Connolly, Jonny No, and Rose Pelzl
We are here to support the academic realization of our community with the Alternative Library. The ‘Alt Lib’ is a unique and radical book collection comprised of harder-to-find alternative print media including periodicals, books, magazines and archived materials from main campus.
Recent donations have been added to augment the previous Pennell House collection including some incredible resources from faculty and personal collections. Other collections that are housed and managed in conjunction with the Alt Lib include the Womyn’s Center collection and the Underground Zine collection. In terms of integrating other IG collections salvaged from the Union much work remains undone, but we’ll be focusing on them later this year.

Over the course of this and subsequent terms Nonstop’s tech team will assist in cataloging and indexing the contents of the collection in the hopes of making digital resources available as well, and the Alternative Library coordinators are actively partnering with infoshops and other radical media organizations around the country in an effort to help establish a universally accessable digital incarnation of the zine library. For now, you’ll be able to check items in and out from Campus North.

So what can you do help? We’re glad you asked. A data entry system has been developed locally to aid in entering data to index the collections; so for now all media will be available during open hours on an honor-based system. When you check out materials, we would humbly ask that for each item you take home you take a few minutes and do the data entry to catalog another item. Training is available to help you learn to create the necessary records and enter the item into our database through a web browser at the internet kiosk computer on the pole in the Alt Lib. Ask a coordinator, Tim or Andrew for help with this and we’ll show you how.

Radical Crafting:


Coordinators: Shea Witzberger, Rose Pelzl
We are an open community group for artivists and craftivists. We want to foster resource and skill sharing and provide a place to activate craft as empowerment, community building, and beauty makin’. We are collecting materials for community use and hope to facilitate both workshops and larger community wide projects this spring. Please contact us about your interests in learning, teaching, or participating in ANY workshops, including skill shares on sewing, screening, deconstructing, patching, tayloring, knitting, or dyeing that will lead up to an end of the term D.I.Y. AntiFashion Show! We are here to support you. Let us know what you want to see, and look out for event postings!

Inter-faith Dialog


Coordinator: Jessie Clark
We will be engaging in intriguing discussions about spirituality, religion and all the juicy bits in between. The discussions will take place over tea at the Dharma Center every other Sunday at 1 o’clock. If you have ever pondered the meaning of life or have a general interest in the theories of others come join us!
The focus will be on exchange and mutual discussion, sharing religious woes and oohs (epiphanies), what bothers us and what is helpful to us in thinking about the spiritual life (need there be such a thing?). We are interested to hear what you think about these hot topics. Atheists & religious misfits also welcome. For more information e-mail me at Hope to see you there!

Antiochian Values

Eva Erickson

Coordinator: Eva Erickson
the meetings will discuss all of our shared values and agreements, and our culture. Why do we have these values? What is great about them? What needs improvement? How can we make sure that our practices and culture reflect/match our values? How can we extend these values beyond our community? How can we make sure that these values are kept within Nonstop and Antioch regardless of the uncertain future?
The purpose of Antiochian Values meetings is not to create/revise laws, policies etc. but rather to create ongoing dialogue about who we are and what we stand for and WHY it’s important. Through questioning, we (re)discover the love, purpose, and basic being of Antioch and Nonstop, for when we question, we cease to take things for granted and remember why we’re all here.
Everyone is welcome to attend.