Breaking Point

By Kim-Jenna Jurriaans

Antioch shakes you to your core; it breaks you and puts you back together with pieces of the people around you becoming part of you. That is what the past four months have felt like for me. If anything diverts me from the disappointment over the resolution that was meant to be the moment of relief and reward, then it is holding on to the unexpected bonds I made since this summer. I do not feel relieved, I do feel rewarded.

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$ 1 Million Error in University Budget Goes Unnoticed

By Kim-Jenna Jurriaans

In its fall report presented to the Board of Trustees this month, University accountants made a $1 million error in the University cash flow projection for the academic year 2007-08. A closer look at the budget shown in the report, available on, shows that in the conversion from accrual to cash basis, the University mixed up plus and minus and accounted a University wide deficit of $ 3.430,146. In reality, the University had a projected $ 2,457,508 cash shortage for this year. Continue reading $ 1 Million Error in University Budget Goes Unnoticed