Upcoming Nonstop Presents Events

Oct. 2: The Junkyard Ghost Revival

7pm, Apollo Room, Student Union, Wright State University

Celebrated spoken word theater, The JGR- Derrick Brown, Andrea Gibson, Anis Mojgani, and Buddy Wakefield- will guide the audience through a tour of their personal junkyards.
[Co-sponsored with with Women’s Center at Wright State]

Oct. 4: The History of Jazz

9am-12pm, Bryan Center, Room A, 100 Dayton Street.
1-4pm, Senior Citizens Center, 227 Xenia Avenue.

Steve Schwerner, Antioch College emeritus faculty, will teach a day-long workshop on the History of Jazz, starting with its origins in the African-American tradition to the present day world music it has become.

Oct. 5: Founder’s Day

The Nonstop Community will celebrate the founding of Antioch College in 1852 by Horace Mann, the father of public education in the US, with assorted festivities.

Click here for more Nonstop Presents events.

A Nonstop Shop

Nonstop ShopNonstop Liberal Arts Institute launched an online store this week where consumers can buy Nonstop apparel and accessories. The site, (www.cafepress.com/nonstopinst) run through CafePress, allows Nonstop to sell promotional items without keeping them in stock.

According to Robin Heise, Recruitment Coordinator, “Community members will be able to help create new promo ideas.” However, that has yet to have been worked out. Heise says information will be made available as soon as possible.

When announced at Community Meeting, a few students were concerned that they did not know who was running the store or where it came from. Further discussion diminished their fears.

Special Thanks

This term, the Record wouldn’t have come to life without our extroaordinary staff who worked with  a (nearly) unfaltering dedication to write articles on time on top of overcredits, busy schedules and other nonstop Antioch activities.

We thank warmly:
Sally for never needing a reminder, Alex for the amazing centerfolds,photos, and time, Sarah for her instituional knowledge, Levi for teaching us so much (!!) Paige for not letting us forget her, Eva for the hours  and the lastminute breakfasts, Zach for all his unpublished op-eds, Ben for the popularityscopes sometimes done in extreme circumstances, AJ for jumping on board so late and getting it so fast, Stacey for her efforts, Billy for managing to make community meeting reports actually entertaining, Kathryn for crossing state borders, Natalie for volunteering, Carl for making us see beyond the bubble, Tommy for being so reliable, Miyuki for her breathtaking bravery, Diana for her journalistic talents, Yuko for her literary mastery and delightul late night playlists, Bryan for his time in the office (Utley for Congress in ‘08!), and Mish for being so unbashedly herself and letting it show in her articles.

We also thank all the alumni who have contributed to the Record, by sending contributions, gifts, or letters of support

We thank passionately:
Rowan Kaiser for his unfaltering presence on layout nights
Laura Fathauer for knowing more about Antioch than the whole University Leadership combined
Jonathan Platt for his warm presence
Matt Baya and his webteam for getting the Record online every week
Christian Feuerstein without whom there would have been no first issue
Tim Noble for “being really great”
Michael Casselli, …he’ll know why.

-The Editors.