“Observations on Antioch” – Letter by Ted Goertzel ‘64

November 7, 2007

When I attended Antioch from 1959 to 1964, it was a vibrant, bustling campus known for political activism, although only about 50 of us on each division actually went to meetings and demonstrations.  I went to Columbus to protest the blockade of Cuba, to Selma to march for civil rights, and to Wright Patterson air force base to protest militarism.  I was arrested right in Yellow Springs for protesting segregation at Gegner’s barber shop, and spent the night in jail in Xenia.  Continue reading “Observations on Antioch” – Letter by Ted Goertzel ‘64

Present at the Rise

A deserted Antioch College campus came alive with the arrival of over 600 alumni, spanning seven decades. The unruly group came by plane, car, boat and foot to make the historic Alumni Reunion 2007, largely in response to the announcement of the closure of the College. Dorms and Springs Motel brimming, some alumni pitched their tents on the empty Presidents’ lot and the golf course in true Antioch fashion.

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On Board with the Chair

20061215-zucker.jpgQ&A with BOT chair Art Zucker on College, Core and Common DNA

By Kim-Jenna Jurriaans

BOT, ULC, Toni Murdoch, Art Zucker, John Feinberg; these acronyms and names fl y around frequently, but largely remain an enigma to many residing on campus. Who are these people and what do they do? The Antioch Record sat down with chair of the Board of Trustees Art Zucker ‘55, to talk about the roles of the Board, his memories as an Alum and the future of the College.

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‘Social Networking Websites’ and Antioch College

With the recent popularity of ‘social networking’ websites such as myspace and facebook it’s inevitable that Antioch College communities, including current students as well as alumni have jumped on these sites in an effort network, communicate and socialize. However, you might not find some of these spots unless you know where to look. This article is not meant to be a complete list but rather a sampling of some of the ones I happen to have stumbled across. There are some that have a more interesting story behind them, like Friendster, while others are fairly self-explanatory. Probably the best thing about all these sites is that, at least as far as I can tell, no one ‘official’ from the college is running these virtual entities and thus some of the comments on these sites can get pretty interesting. Note, for many of these you’ll need to create an account to access them. Continue reading ‘Social Networking Websites’ and Antioch College