Letter to the Editor by Rose Pelzl

Rose Pelzl
Rose Pelzl

I am a first-year Nonstop student. I grew up in Yellow Springs, and
just recently learned that I am the 5th in a long line of Yellow
Springs women to attend Antioch College.

Over this term it’s been really apparent to me how important it is for
the health of the Village, the academic community and the rest of the
world that Antioch stays open. The coming months present a wonderful
set of opportunities for both personal reinvigoration and community
reinvention for the Village and the College.

We have reached a turning point, we have many things to think
about and do here in Yellow Springs. Nonstop has started doing these
things, even though we’re not on campus, a lot has been accomplished.

I look forward to doing work outside of the traditional classroom, and
working with faculty as part of the creation of a new Antioch. I know
I’m not the only one who feels this way.

In the near future I plan to collaborate with other students on
projects to provide creative student housing solutions in Yellow
Springs, while working to enhance both Village and College

Based on my understanding and experience of this group of people,
there is no way Nonstop and Nonstop students will not be a part of
building this new Antioch. I hope we will insist on being included in
the rebuilding of Antioch College. We’re here.

How do we make it clear that our commitment is unwavering and that
those in power have to include all of us if they wish to succeed:
alums, staff, faculty and students?

Rose Pelzl, Class of ’14 (with a 2 percent margin of error)

From the Editor – Bryan Utley

Many who know me know that I am probably the biggest proponent of the state of Wisconsin here at Antioch. Of course, many of you are thinking that all there is in Wisconsin is cows and people with funny accents. Of course, you are dead wrong. Wisconsin has been the first in many areas. In 1998 my congressional district (the 2nd congressional district of Wisconsin) was first in United States history to elect an openly gay (Tammy Baldwin) non-incumbent candidate to Congress. Also it was my Senator Russ Feingold who was the only United States senator to vote against the Patriot Act and one of two to initially vote against the War in Iraq. When questioned on his reasoning for voting against the Patriot Act, Senator Feingold simply answered, “Because I read it”. Continue reading From the Editor – Bryan Utley

Housing Director to Step Down

By Erin-Aja Grant

With all of the uncertainty in Antioch’s future one more unexpected change is coming at the end of the month. The familiar face and open door across from the ASC will be closed and gone. Housing Director Katrina Dorsey is stepping down at the end of the week. Although many questions may loom ahead for the college it seems one more challenge has been added to the docket. In an interview with the Record, Katrina confirmed that she is indeed stepping down at the end of February. Katrina has had a short-lived run at Antioch totaling a little over 2 years, after replacing Madeline Lance. Many students like Greer Paris are going to be sad to see her go. Greer stated to The Record, “She always made me feel very comfortable, she is very approachable.” Katrina will be missed as she makes the move from Ohio to Rhode Island to become the Coordinator of Commuter Student Affairs. Last Friday Katrina accepted the position from the University of Rhode Island, as a strategic career move. Dorrisey stated, “This will be an opportunity to work outside of housing and with a new population.” When asked about her thoughts on Antioch she was very clear that reflection would come later about her experience here. Continue reading Housing Director to Step Down

Antioch College vs. Japanese College

Antioch College vs. Japanese College
By Miyuki Sese

Since last fall, Antioch has had several Japanese exchange students from Ryukoku University. This university is located in Kyoto with another campus in Shiga prefecture. It is the oldest Buddhist university and was founded in 1639. According to the Japanese exchange students, there are many differences between Antioch College and Ryukoku University.
First, the biggest difference is the number of students. Compared with about 170 students of Antioch College, Ryukoku University has about 100 times more students, and it seems common that most students do not know other students in their class. This can be good because it allows students to have a lot of friends with different opinions and personalities. On the downside, compared with Antioch College, the relationships between teachers and students in such a large university seem weak.
As for housing, most students in Antioch College live in dormitories. Most Ryukoku University students live in apartments by themselves. There are some dormitories but they are only for students who belong to the Baseball or Rugby clubs and overseas students. That’s because the number of students is so large that the university does not have the capacity to allow all the students to live in a dormitory. However, Japanese students seem to enjoy their own life styles in Antioch College. “It is difficult for me to maintain both my private time and official time in dormitory, but I am glad to talk with a lot of my friends anytime.”said Eriko. “I am enjoying staying in a dormitory with my friends”said Rie. Continue reading Antioch College vs. Japanese College

Students Pack Up, Donors Push Forward

By Eva Erickson and Kim-Jenna Jurriaans

Today the University Board of trustees is voting on a proposal put forward by the deeppocket donors in support of an autonomous Antioch College. As the community awaits the outcome of the vote that is likely to determine the level of operations at the college in future months, community members try hard to adapt to campus life under continuing insecurity.

A group of major donors, over the course of the last month, has taken a collective stance against the outcome of the October 25 summit between the University Trustees and the College Alumni Board, that outlines the future relations between the college and the university. After a preliminary meeting in New York City, last week Monday, donors and representatives of the Trustees met again on Sunday at a session of the Board’s governance committee in Dallas to discuss the donors’ demands. Now the Trustees are voting as a full Board.

Continue reading Students Pack Up, Donors Push Forward