What 1st years need to know

AdCil (Administrative Council) meets every Tuesday at 8am in the Main Building Conference Room, and is made ¥up of student, staff and faculty members. Chaired by the president, the council votes on the decisions the he has to make. Certain matters discussed during these sessions are closed to the public, however many are open.

ComCil (Community Council) is in charge of community life and CG, is keeper of the Legislative Code, and meets on Thursdays at 3pm in the Main Building Council Room. It is made up of student and non-student members, a Union representative, and it is a public forum.

CGC (Campus Greening Council) explores alternative energy, is responsible for recycling, and ensures purchased products to be used on campus are recyclable. It is also in charge of the Community Garden, and meetings are to be announced within the next week or so.

The Faculty Senate was devised a few years ago after a faculty retreat to address issues of governance. It consists of a Steering Committee which helps to receive and prioritize agenda, a Personnel Committee that deals with faculty review, promotion, and tenure, an Academic Review committee that evaluates faculty publications and student reviews, and a Curriculum Review Committee that works with curriculum development.

Faculty Senate and AdCil

Shared governance and self-governance are words that have been tossed around the Antioch community since the days of Algo Henderson, and more often since the Board of Trustees commissioned its plan to renew the college three years ago. The college faculty have recently implemented a new governance structure to ensure empowerment in light of the changes charged by the Renewal Commission. Until recently, the faculty have operated under a shared governance structure facilitated by the Faculty Executive Committee (FEC). The FEC worked to set the agenda of faculty meetings and often reported to AdCil for review of curriculum and personnel issues. Over the last two years, the FEC realized the frustration and dissatisfaction the faculty expressed over AdCil’s decisions and processes. Continue reading Faculty Senate and AdCil