Independent Groups Fall 2007

Antioch Environmental Group

Coordinators- Jay Bear Casale, Carlin Esslinger, Jake Stockwell

The Antioch Environmental Group is an open space for people to hang out, work, or organize. Events are dependant on the interest and energy brought to meetings, every Sunday at six. A trip to Black Mesa, Arizona, to bring supplies is possible. Support is being considered as well as Do- It- Yourself training, along with other events and activities, but nothing is certain. There are some books that can be checked out as well as various quasi-environmental subjects. For further questions contact the coordinators.

BAMN By Any Means Necessary

Coordinator- Erin-Aja Grant

BAMN’s purpose is to establish a stable union of students, staff and faculty that represent a part of the African Diaspora: creating a union that enhances cultural awareness, political awareness, social events, educational opportunities, and provides support for the Antioch community.

Open hours: MWF 6-9
-1st official Meeting: Wednesday October 10th, 2007 8pm @ BAMN

Dialogia Philosophy Club

Coordinator- Drew Geckle

Dialogia has been, and shall continue to be a free and open-minded forum for the purpose of conducting civil and intellectual discourse upon an infinite variety of topics. From the start of the term until its conclusion, we shall strive to discuss and, occasionally, debate topics and issues that affect both the self and the collective, for the simple purpose of good conversation. The resulting environment provided therein, is a space where people of all mindsets and ideologies can congregate for the purpose of bettering their knowledge of the world that exists around them.
All are welcome to our discussions.

Place: Philosophy Lounge
Time: 6:30-7:30 every Tuesday

Fat Group

Coordinator- Mike Yates

Fat Group, the Biggest IG on Campus, will be working on a number of projects this term, including the Fat Friendly Closet, fat-positive artwork exhibitions on campus, a Big Cookbook of Big Recipes for Big Eaters, and collaboration with the Queer Center coordinators for Sex Week. Due to the small nature of the office, and the large nature of our members, meetings will be held at the C-Shop from now on. I will be announcing those meetings at Community Meeting and in the Caf from now on, and I hope lots of our community members will come. Also the office will be open Monday, Wednesday, and Friday from 4:00pm to 7:00pm and on Saturday from 5:00pm to 7:00pm. The Fat Group meetings and office are open to all members of the community regardless of size and shape.

Human Rights Group

Coordinator- Aimee Keener

Human Rights IG is an advocacy group. Last year, Human Rights hosted Amnesty International which participated in many campaigns mostly pertaining to Darfur. Human Rights started up Amnesty International again this year with the hopes of joining the “Stop Violence Against Women” campaign, but there was no interest. I was forced to cancel this event. If anyone is interested in having Amnesty International, joining the campaign, please come and talk to me. As it stands, we have no planned events and no open hours.

Jew Crew/ Kehilla

Coordinator- Bryan Utley

My vision for Jew crew is to have a safe place for Jews and their allies to come and celebrate their history with other Jews. When I first got to campus Jew Crew/ Kahilla was very visible and active. Unfortunately for the past two years it hasn’t been as visible as some of us wanted it to be. My hope is for Jew crew to be more visible and to be a venue where students can have free and open dialogue surrounding their Jewness. Along with religious related outings. I want to have more serious events like parties because Jews like to party. And beyond popular belief, we can fucking dance.

Queer Center

Coordinators- James Kutil, Kari Thompson, Mariel Traiman

QC is throwing the Queers only party, Genderfuck, and we will continue to meet sporadically and have discussion groups. We will keep the community up to date on our activities. Our space will be open for anyone who wants it at anytime; please contact queer center coordinators on specifics.

Queers Of Color (Q.O.C)

Coordinator- Jasmine Stokes

The Queers of color I.G. will hopefully be sponsoring many exciting events this term. Q.O.C. will also be collaborating with other I.G.’s to enhance the quality of events to encourage social activity. The Q.O.C office will be open for hanging out or working, it will also be the location for meetings, discussions, and some events. Look forward to some awesome events this term from the Queers of Color.

Sword Club 

Coordinator- Ryan Boasi

Sword Club is dedicated to community building in the context of consensual, controlled, and safe sparring both with practice weapons and with bare hands.

Sword Club does not have an IG space, and therefore has no open hours; however, feel free to talk with any of our members to learn more about our club. We’re a pretty friendly bunch, and always try and be as welcoming and patient with new members as we can. We meet at 3 PM on Fridays either in the upper gym on the mats, or directly outside the gym. Feel free to stop by and participate or just watch. This term we will be trying to get in a small variety of guests to teach us how to use some of our equipment more effectively.

T.W.A.- Third World Alliance

Coordinator- Jamila Hunter

In the interest of organizing and serving the racially oppressed students of Antioch College, the Third World Alliance has been established by and for these students.
T.W.A. will be holding bi-weekly meetings in support of the third world community.
Open hours Monday 7-10, Wednesday 7-12, Friday 10-12


Coordinators- Cecily Cheaney and Gabby Sibrian

Unidad is the Independant group for Latino and Indigenous identified community members. We organize events and will soon update our open hours. We want to create a safe space for Latino and indigenous people whether they are first generation, 2nd generation, biracial, multiracial, whatever. It is difficult being at a predominantly white institution with very few latin@s, indigenous, and people of color in general, so we hope to create some form of solidarity within the indigenous/latin@ community here at Antioch and a space where we are able to dialogue, have fun, and create together. We also want to hook up and collaborate with the other POC groups on campus. Our first event is going to be the Tequila Social that’s going down Friday October 5th @9pm after Cabaret Horace in the Unidad Space in the Union.

Women’s Center

Coordinators- Fela Pierrelouis and Caroline Debevec

Events- Women’s Art Party, Mural Painting, Love Your Body Night, Herb Night/ Reproductive Health, Discussion Groups, Abortion Events, Movies, Women’s Holiday Parties, Cocktail Party, Classy Dinner Party, Sister Circle.
Open hours Monday and Tuesday 6-10, Wednesday and Thursday 8:30 to Whenever