Dispatches from Community Meeting

Beginning with applause and admiration for literally every one on, around, and off campus, and ending in voiced disappointment over the cutbacks on hot breakfast, this year’s fi rst community meeting covered a lot of ground in a little time (sort of). McGregor 113, fi lled with a lot of old faces, and several new ones, was immersed in applause and a recurring sense of Antioch pride every few minutes, which helped to lead to its lengthy two hour session.

The traditional Community Member of the Week award was revised to honor a Community Member of the Summer instead. This award went out to all faculty and staff that were here during the summer, working hard on efforts to keep the college open among other things, despite setbacks. This was followed by a long list of thank yous, many of which had a familiar theme and were directed at those helping to keep Antioch open. Alex Mette thanked everyone who attended the Board of Trustees meeting on Monday, refl ecting that beforehand he felt like there was little hope, but after seeing the amount of support, he was energized and his belief in a positive outcome for the college was reaffi rmed. First years attending the meeting were also thanked for speaking out in front of the Board of Trustees, and for having the knowledge of what is happening to Antioch.

Community members and CG received a standing ovation for their efforts this summer, and special thanks went out to alumni, and the Village of Yellow Springs Committee for their banners throughout town and articles in the local newspaper. Organizers of the SOPP and the RDPP were thanked, along with those offering help to the Office of Transition. And Kari Thompson thanked anyone who has danced at a dance party.

All upcoming events are posted on the today board on the community forum. This weekend there will be a mentor prom on Saturday, where older students and 1st years will be paired anonymously. Other events include the upcoming Blues Fest; if anyone would like to volunteer to help with this event, please contact CG.  Also coming up, a Garden Party, Disability Awareness Day, and another Board Meeting at the end of October.

Steve Lawry addressed the group next, focusing on the Alumni Board’s proposal to change the governing operations of Antioch. He also noted that the “great organized anguish” of alumni, followed by job loss, and the possibility of not graduating for some students, has made the Board of Trustees realize that they have lost the support of the alumni, and that they cannot reopen without that support.

Angie Glukhov introduced the Office of Transition following this. It is on the first floor of the main building, and is headed by Angie and Janice Kinghorn. It was created after the initial announcement of Antioch’s (possible) suspension, and is here to help students who plan on transferring or are anxious about graduating. The OT has a few upcoming events planned including the Antioch University Fair on September 14th and Antioch College Transfer Day, where representatives from at least 30 colleges will visit the campus to speak about opportunities they have to offer and answer questions about their degree programs.

A Yellow Springs resident and an alumni member, YSO conduit, Judy Wallert-Maldonado talked about further efforts going on in Yellow Springs to save Antioch. Her group is also helping to extend library hours, along with Steve Lawry, and will be holding a voter registration on campus in September. She mentioned the need to see more students join their weekly meetings. If anyone is interested please contact Judy at juju70@msn.com, or 937-767-0118.

Pulse, much like the rest of the meeting, favored an abundance of announcements. Dance concert casting will take place next Wednesday at 7:30 in the South Gym. On September 8th there will be a new student field trip from noon to 4pm; everyone is welcome but only 1st year students can go for free. Wristbands cost $8. Nicole Novac is working as the coordinator of the Bonner Scholarship Program and is running a training program for the Bonner website. As of  now, there is only one person running the bookstore, so please sign up for FWSP positions in the store, and give him a hand. A trip is being planned to Ithaca, NY this weekend and is scheduled to leave September 1st. Anyone interested please see Jen-e Johnson, Mills 101. AdCil and ComCil elections are next Wednesday. If you plan on running please pick up a form from CG.
It was a lengthy first meeting, but an extremely informative one, with a good turnout. But there is always room for more. If you did not attend the meeting, please try to make it to the next one. With our college in crisis, it is a good place to go for more information on what you can do to help, to find out what others are already doing, or to put into your own two cents.