Blog: Dispatches from the Left Forum, part I

Whenever I go to any leftist gathering, whether it’s an anti-G8 rally, an alter-globalist european symposium or an academic conference, I always feel like running with open arms to every person who crosses my path and shouting “God am I glad to see you!” I usually manage to refrain myself though, but I must sayContinue reading Blog: Dispatches from the Left Forum, part I

Nonstop Planning for June Alumni Festival

By Eva Erickson and Carole Braun Ever since the Alumni Board’s official decision to move Alumni Reunion to October 2-4, from its usual time in June, Nonstop has been planning the Summer Alumni Festival, whose purpose is to both celebrate Nonstop’s accomplishments and to connect or reconnect Alumni with Nonstop. Much of the specifics of … Continue reading Nonstop Planning for June Alumni Festival

In This Issue:

-Committees Form to Tackle Transition Issues “An Evolving Piece of Work”: Joe Foley on role as Vice-President, the Nonstop budget and the Alumni Board’s upcoming challenges –Summer Alumni Festival in Lieu of Reunion in June –Beehive Collective Pollinates Community DayNonstop Students at Work: An Academic Portfolio We all believe we are torch bearers: anContinue reading In This Issue:

Committees Form to Tackle Transition Issues

On Friday, April 3rd, ExCil appointed to the Alumni Board Taskforce Molly Thorton of Class of ’10, staff member Carole Braun and Chris Hill of the Executive collective. The Alumni Board representatives have not been appointed yet. The Taskforce is a result of the March 7th the Alumni Board resolution “to foster collaboration and build … Continue reading Committees Form to Tackle Transition Issues

“The rest is pretty okay”: Concept Paper Response by Gerry Bello ’97:

[From the Editor: On April 1st, 2009, the Concept Paper for an independent Antioch College was released on Read the concept paper here.] Continue the discussion on the Record’s Forum At first read of the concept paper I’m skeptical on 2 points. The rest is pretty okay: 1) Three years, 9 terms, 120 credits, … Continue reading “The rest is pretty okay”: Concept Paper Response by Gerry Bello ’97: