In This Issue:

Toxic Talk: Steve Lawry’s Culture War
ProTem Board Convene in Yellow Springs
Nonstop Presentation to ProTem Board
Drying of Main Campus Continues as Local Petition Moves Ahead
Interview with Lee Morgan and Matthew Derr
Back and Forth between Theory and Practice: Womyn’s studies in Europe
Campus South: Virtual Tour of the Nonstop Dorms
Fashion Column: Undead Prom
Question of the Week

Media Feature: Transient-Mode: Home

One thought on “In This Issue:”

  1. Reading the interview, I’ve noticed that some misquotations crept in. Some of these were quite hilarious! But whether funny or not, I would like to correct some of them:

    1) I do not know who created the WGSE program. It was started in 1984 by Antioch College’s WS faculty. Marienne Welchel, and later Jean Gregorek, were both instrumental in developing and improving (although not creating) the program. I would love to know who came up with the structure for the WGSE program because the structure has worked beautifully and is wonderfully conducive to combining experiential and classroom learning.

    2) In the interview I talked about the deconstruction of the sex/gender binary that has occurred even within the sex/gender school of feminist theory. That part was cut, probably for the sake of space, but the statement is misleading without it.

    3) Continental feminism focuses more on the psychoanalytic plane, the sex/gender school on the sociological plane.

    4) We usually have between 5-8 lectures a week.

    5) On the program, we do not talk to “Transgendered organizations” but rather trans-organizations, organizations dealing with trans-people’s issues.

    6) The program did not stop going to London because of immigration issues but rather because London has gotten way too expensive for us. And the famous feminist theorist who works with us when we do go to London is Nira Yuval Davis.

    7) While we did not have theory/methodology seminars in Istanbul we did have plenty of lectures.


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