Letter from Chelsea

Dearest Community,
I wanted to share with you my response regarding the events that took place this last weekend and on the future of Antioch College. It is true that the university will cease its’ operations of Antioch College effective June 30tth, 2008. This is not new news. In fact, its not necessarily negative news.  This past weekend the university continued with their position on the future of Antioch College, but has not concluded their negotiations with the ACCC.
We in CG were deeply troubled by the way their announcement was delivered to the community and are attempting to help paint a clearer picture of our current situation and our possible future. In no way are we trying to instill a false sense of hope, but the reality is that what was stated on Friday was presented with far more certainty than the situation warrants. We believe that the university administration and BOT are justifiably concerned about their legal position in regards to the college, but they can not speak for the ACCC, especially when those negotiations are continuing, which we understand that they are. Although the university administration and BOT can say that they are no longer operating Antioch College after the 30th of June, they cannot say that it will for certain be closed. The type of self-fulfilling prophecy that was exhibited this past weekend is dangerous and damaging to all of us, and the future of this amazing institution.

It is still possible for the ACCC (and this is part of what they’re negotiating) to continue operations of Antioch College beginning July 1st. Eric Bates, co-chair of the ACCC was quoted in Inside Higher Ed reciently. When asked what plans students should make, he replied “If I were a student right now, I would make other plans…If in April or May or June or whenever, there is announced a plan that enables the college to keep operating, you can always come to Antioch,”…. Bates said that he believes an agreement that gives the college true independence will lead to an outpouring of donations that might create options to keep the college operating.”

We do realize how uncertain and frustrating all of this is, but we also believe that it is possible to be optimistic and responsible at the same time.  Of course, we encourage everyone to make their necessary, personal plans for the ’08-’09 academic year, but that doesn’t mean that Antioch College has lost this fight. There are more possibilities in Antioch College’s future than was expressed this past Friday and organizational meetings are taking place this week to work towards the continuation and success of our home.

With more love than you know,