By Erin-Aja Grant
With all of the uncertainty in Antioch’s future one more unexpected change is coming at the end of the month. The familiar face and open door across from the ASC will be closed and gone. Housing Director Katrina Dorsey is stepping down at the end of the week. Although many questions may loom ahead for the college it seems one more challenge has been added to the docket. In an interview with the Record, Katrina confirmed that she is indeed stepping down at the end of February. Katrina has had a short-lived run at Antioch totaling a little over 2 years, after replacing Madeline Lance. Many students like Greer Paris are going to be sad to see her go. Greer stated to The Record, “She always made me feel very comfortable, she is very approachable.” Katrina will be missed as she makes the move from Ohio to Rhode Island to become the Coordinator of Commuter Student Affairs. Last Friday Katrina accepted the position from the University of Rhode Island, as a strategic career move. Dorrisey stated, “This will be an opportunity to work outside of housing and with a new population.” When asked about her thoughts on Antioch she was very clear that reflection would come later about her experience here. Dorsey did state that, “I think that at other places it’s unusual for white people to be talking about issues for people of color and Antioch is a different place for that reason, at least the students have that conversation” Katrina loves working in student affairs and considers it a way to “give back” and help students find their way at a confusing place. Her presence on campus has always extended past what many administrators do. Just last week she was bowling with students at Beaver VU. Her commitment to Antioch and its community has been undeniable since her first day. RA Julian Sharp commented saying, “I’m really sad that Katrina is leaving so soon, but she has been an amazing boss, I am really happy for her.” She also did confirm that her plan is to come back to see students graduate and cheer them on. Her impact on students is notable and she will be missed. Both Katrina and Milt confirmed that DOS would take over the duties that her office held. Milt stated, “ I don’t think that we will be replacing her for the remainder of these 3 months, the housing situation is under pretty good control and we have stellar RA’s”. While DOS takes on yet another duty many are left wondering what will be the true impact of not just an administrator leaving but also an approachable staff member on campus. Katrina does leave Antioch with the full support of the Department of Student Affairs, and their well wishes. While the school year winds down many students, faculty and staff will be faced with difficult decisions. It would be easy to say that Katrina bailed ship, but in the same right maybe she just for once in her time at Antioch put herself first.