Beloved Admissions Counselor Leaves Antioch

After two years of dedicated work in both the Antioch Admissions Department and the Office of Transition, Director Angie Glukhov will be moving on to a new position at the University of Dayton. “Out of all the other college counselors, she was the only one who really cared…She was the coolest counselor I talked to,” remembered student Yuko Tanaka. “It’ll be difficult not having her around.” Treasurer of the Alumni Board, Rick Daily, worked closely together with Glukhov after the announcement of the closing in June. He recalls their interaction: “She’s wonderful. We had hopes that the college could keep her.” Angie answered a few questions for the Record about her time here at Antioch, and her hopes for the future:

When did you start working in Antioch College Admissions?

I started on July 1, 2005

What was your background before that?
Before working at Antioch, I spent four years living and working in Moscow, Russia for the American Councils for International Education. I was administering the Edmund S. Muskie Graduate Fellowship Program, which was funded by the U.S. Department of State. I recruited graduate students and developed alumni programming. Before that I was an admission counselor for Beloit College.

How would you describe your time working in Antioch Admissions?
Intense. Kristen Pett, after watching me at my desk for 6 hours, said I should be my own Saturday Night Live skit–managing three phones, two computers, and lots of visitors at once is a skill I learned at Antioch.  This place has pushed me to and beyond my personal, professional, and creative limits and I am ever so much better for it. I owe much to my amazing admissions and financial aid colleagues.

Do you have a particular anecdote or memorable experience to recount?

Many. One of my personal favorites was, following a long counselor meeting in which the Dean reminded us about being accessible to students 24/7.  He and I were in a cab going from a conference to a dinner we were hosting for high school counselors in Chicago. He stepped out of the cab and started to walk off, holding a large bag of viewbooks that was still around my neck; I couldn’t get the seatbelt undone, and then my cell phone rings. Torn between being choked and being reprimanded, I answered the phone and proceeded to help a student with their admissions questions, while my boss and the taxi driver were trying to cut me loose from the seatbelt.  The good news is, the student is still at Antioch (you know who you are!)!

Oh, and stop in and ask Corolene about Oliver sometime. . .

What affected your decision  to accept the job at University of Dayton?

I applied for the position at the end of June, beginning of July, when I wasn’t sure I had a contract for this academic year. Like all of you, I did some hefty reflecting on my life, values, and priorities after the June announcement. I discovered that I really wanted to be able to spend more time helping my mom, sister, and cousin who all live in this part of Ohio and who have great need of their daughter, sister, and friend at this time. In taking the position at UD, I will be able to do what I love –admissions– and spend more time with the people that I love while I still can. It was a hard decision, but I know that it’s the right decision at this juncture in my life.  The position itself will also be rewarding–I’ll get to be very creative and involved at new levels in the profession. It’s a great step for me professionally too.

What is your advice for future Antioch admissions counselors?
Take your vitamins, pack light, and remember you’re working for a college that belongs at the forefront of higher education. Act accordingly.

 What are you taking with you from Antioch?
Hope in the future, because I know what each of you can do for the communities in which you do/will live. A more hands-on experience of every level of an admissions effort than seems possible. A much deeper and varied understanding of community. Some of the most intelligent, interesting, and genuine friends ever

And an ulcer 🙂