Beautiful Skies
Beutiful people
Beautiful Antioch
Julian- You inspire me to become a better community member
Caroline Says… “I want a declassified” HERE IT IS, MAN! PS I can still kick your ass. Again. [heart]
Even though you never write me any declassifieds I still love you. -Lonely but loving in Pennel
David Bishkoff, yer the dreamiest
Bob+Scott are so extremely witty HOW DO THEY DO IT?!
A Miller-Being in love means are completely broken. Songs: Ohia
Carlin-Love You Always.
Greer- Will you be my Eagle Lord? waiting, dangerous person.
Phillip- Thank you for keeping me alive. I love you.-Dave
Jamilla, you owe me a coffee date. Love, your coffee deprived friend.
Maclean-you’re going down! [heart] -someone that didn’t put a door in front of your door
Bob Devine for President! (again)
Seems like Andrzej has something to hide
Rachel Sears, Amber, Diana… I love you all! -Emma Woo
Hey boots, you are so rad. Let’s be friends. -Girl with the guns
Ceci-face, I’m glad you’re my ‘across the hall’ buddy! Love, -the girl w/ the lobster
Dear Jeanne+ Kim-Jenna. You guys aren’t as cute as that David Bishkoff but I still love you guys very much. -The Record OB
Gaby, Yer haircut is soo cute and I think yer the coolest babe ever.
Yoga and healing-Just ask Jack
Nicole, thanks for being great. move to minneapolis with me [heart] Rory
Soup- Thanks for being my brosiff. I love you. -Bloody Stumps.
Cody Canoodle, you are the best and the grossest. thanx 4 x-mas lights.
Dea, Thank you for leaving sweet messages on my door. You’re beautiful. [hearts]
Carobot, you try my circuits
James- Hey hot stuff. You and me, babies, five years. -Dave
Vanessa…You’re my little cookie cutter…Let’s go find some babies at Riverscape. [hearts]-You know who I am.
A clique is a social prison meant to isolate and divide people. FREE YA’SELF FROM THE CLIQUE!
BOT- When you’re tired of screwing a community, give me a call. I like things “top down” if you know what I mean
May-Trai, Hey bay-bay You cray-cray Let’s go schway-schway, love-Tay-play
I have a crush on Toni Murdock. Feeling Guilty, ToniLuva2000
BOT you suck!
Dear Antioch, My love for you is unconditional.While I feel we can no longer be intimate, I still think you’re cute! Love-Dusky
PS. No hard feelings