An Entering Student Shares Her Perspective
By Kathryn Leahey
On Tuesday, September 12, I attended my very first community meeting, along with many members of the 1st year class. However, I had an elevated purpose. Ice cream and fruit failed to distract me. My mission; cover this important event for the Record, despite the fact that I had little-to-no idea of what would take place and can still only attach about 17% of the faces around campus to a name. Having left class five minutes early to make sure that I would be there on time, not yet quite adjusted to the Antioch schedule of everyone arriving fifteen minutes late for everything, I fiddled with the tape recorder I had brought with me which, of course, ceased to function as soon as its use was required and I settled into a squeaky chair, watching the others slowly file in. Eventually, Levi B. called the meeting to order (or at least some version of it) and the community members applauded the commencement of first community meeting of the term. I had a feeling this would be a great learning experience.
Lesson One: The Antioch community apparently has a lot for which to be thankful. Firstly, Andrzej Bloch was named Community Member of the Week or CMOW, which is, I’m afraid, yet another acronym that I’ll need to memorize, for his help and advice to CG. Next, the official segment for the sharing of appreciation began. Among those thanked were all those who contributed/will contribute to the Record, Orientation, the trash removal effort after Sunday’s concert, the rugby team, the Queer Center, and the math assessment. Dennie Eagelson thanked the first-years, while a representative second-year, Bryan Utley, thanked those remaining in his class. Others thanked include Kelly O’Keefe for doing an excellent job with the C-shop, the library workers who are responsible for the new electronic reserves, Dave Chappelle for giving back to the community, and Katrina for paying the RA’s this term who, in turn, thanked Robin Heise.
Lesson Two: There are a surprisingly large number of things going on for such a small campus. Events that may not have been heard elsewhere include this weekend’s guest speaker, an Antioch alumna, who will be holding a Shabbat at the Queer Center on Friday and a workshop on Saturday, the availability of transportation to work sites for volunteers (write to, and the imminent recruiting of prospective new Community Managers. Volunteers are needed at the bike shop, the Coretta Scott King Center, and the Alternative Library, while FWSP students are still needed at the gym and to work under Katrina and Melody for events. We are apparently all feeling sporty lately, and the formation of both a rugby cheerleading squad and a racquetball team were mentioned, while Brian, the gym co-op student, would like to organize even more athletic events. Caitlin would like to remind everyone not to pet or feed her seeing-eye dog. Anyone interested in sitting on a committee should speak to Hope; those interested in the Columbus protest against George W. Bush following an October 5th walk-out should talk to Jimmy, who also dispelled the rumor of the Antioch Dean of Students “bail fund�; those who would like to submit works to the art show should send an email to ewinter@antioch-college. edu. Upcoming events include Make-ADifference Day on October 28 and Constitution Day, observed on September 18 with a speech by Miguel Santiago. Three funds proposals were made: one for $100 to send the Record staff to a journalism fair at Bowling Green, one for $200 for the Pennell House art party, and one for $75 for the Queer Center for decorations.
Lesson Three: For a campus on which so little is found shocking or even far from ordinary, it’s amazing what we as a student body find controversial. Robin Heise’s email inbox being full led to a review of Pulse guidelines, and the meeting concluded with a discussion of the semantics of the work “unlearn� which lasted longer than the discourse on the recent campus vandalism. However, I think that Levi B. did a lovely job of summing up the campus-wide feelings toward the crimes by saying that “no victories for humanity were made from the vandalism last week� and imploring us all to “please don’t do stupid shit.� Look for further information on both the broken pathways around campus and a sum of $250 being deducted from FWSP awards at next week’s meeting.